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AdC launches public consultation on confidentiality protection procedure


AdC launches public consultation on confidentiality protection procedure

Press Release 6/2017

AdC launches public consultation on confidentiality protection procedure

The Portuguese Competition Authority (Autoridade da Concorrência - AdC) may obtain business secrets and confidential information from investigations on companies, business associations or other public or private entities, or through information voluntarily provided by them.

However, the AdC protects the legitimate interests of companies, business associations or other entities, and keeps from disclosing business secrets to third parties. The AdC may also deem confidential such information that may cause serious damage to third parties if disclosed, under the condition that such secrets are worthy of being protected.

In order to offer guidance on what may be categorised as confidential information and on how to submit a confidentiality protection request, the AdC has drawn up the Guidelines on Confidentiality Protection Procedure for Sanctioning Procedures and Supervisory Proceedings, now submitted to public consultation.

The Guidelines reflect the AdC’s experience in confidentiality protection, and the European Commission’s criteria on the matter.

The guidelines are available on, and may be commented on by interested parties, who within 20 working days, should send an email to mentioning “Guidelines on Confidentiality Protection Procedure”, or send their observations to the following postal address: Avenida de Berna, n.º 19, 1050-037 Lisboa.


Full cooperation of these entities in the implementation of a confidentiality protection regime is fundamental, for it is by that cooperation that their own interests can be better protected.


8 May 2017