Ongoing calls
All the purchases made by public entities are normally performed on electronic contracting platforms.

How does the AdC acquire goods and services?
With the entry into effect of the Public Contracts Code (in Portuguese), procurement procedures were dematerialized, making them more transparent.
The acquisition of goods and services ranges from hiring a security company, purchasing office furniture, getting new IT equipment or even the paper used in photocopiers.
For this purpose, the Competition Authority uses the platform acinGOV (in Portuguese), which allows it to publicise its contracting needs, and request and receive proposals from suppliers.
The AdC’s invoicing process also complies with the legal requirements regarding the mandatory electronic invoice. For the emission and reception of invoices from supplies, AdC uses the Saphety Invoice Network platform.
Check the AdC calls for purchase of goods and services.
Completed calls
colaboradores da Autoridade da Concorrência (AdC) e respetivos descendentes