C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 41
january / march 2020
In this Issue, Illegal framework of the periodic penalty payments which may be applied by the ECB in the exercise of its banking supervisory functions; Enforcement of EU Competition Law to payment card platforms: the VISA and Mastercard cases; Brazilian regulation and experience on the closing of competition cases through settlements; Comparative analysis on leniency programmes for Competition Law in the United States of America and in the EU; Gun Jumping and Partial Implementation in EU Merger Control: the Canon Toshiba case (chapter II).
Joana Vaz Baptista
A adoção de sanções pecuniárias compulsórias pelo Banco Central Europeu no âmbito do Mecanismo Único de Supervisão
180 kb
Nuno Alexandre Pires Salpico
As restrições à concorrência nas plataformas de cartões de pagamento através das interchange fees
343 kb
Daniel Favoretto Rocha
Acordos substitutivos como precedentes administrativos: desafios do CADE e lições para o direito concorrencial europeu
239 kb
Dani de Sousa Moreira
Programas de clemência: a experiência norte-americana versus a experiência europeia
308 kb