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What is the main role of the Portuguese Competition Authority?

AdC is an independent administrative agency whose purpose is to defend competition, to the benefit of citizens. It’s one of the top 8 Competition Authorities around the world. 

Ano de criação
Year of creation
Nº de funcionários
Number of workers

Mission, values and vision of AdC

Ícone missão da AdC
To investigate more, better, and faster
Ícone visão da AdC
Be a reference as a public service provider and be able to deliver value to society

Strategic and Operational Goals

Detect, investigate, and sanction all anti-competitive practices
Ensure efficient and timely merger control
Promote competition in all economic sectors
Raise awareness in all society about competition rules and its benefits
Promote transparency among all stakeholders
Strengthen international cooperation, both bilaterally and multilaterally

The Board

Nuno Cunha Rodrigues
Nuno Cunha Rodrigues
Miguel Moura Silva
Board member
Miguel Moura e Silva
Ana Sofia Rodrigues
Board member
Ana Sofia Rodrigues

Priorities for 2024

  • Strengthening the capacity to detect and investigate cartels, promoting competition law enforcement across all economic sectors;
  • Increasing scrutiny of potential practices of abuse of dominant position, thus protecting competition and consumer welfare;
  • Fighting gun jumping practices, not only by raising awareness among undertakings, but also through enforcement, in close dialogue with the European Union;
  • Following developments related to the digital transition, increasing international cooperation on
    the latest legislative and regulatory measures implemented in this field;
  • Focusing on innovative and advanced forensic IT tools, as they play an essential role in the investigation of anticompetitive practices;
  • Optimising internal resources, harmonising procedures, and strengthening internal checks and balances, in order to address current challenges more efficiently.

Read the Competition Policy Priorities for 2024.The AdC’s performance indicators and goals are materialized at SCORE – Objectives and Results Management System. Consult the AdC’s 2024 SCORE [in Portuguese].

Learn about last year's activity

Read the 2023 Activity Report [in Portuguese]. Know the main achievements in 2023.

Autoridade da Concorrência

AdC in numbers

From 2017 to 2024, the Competition Authority’s activity led to numerous decisions and recommendations that contributed to economic development and consumer welfare.

decisions on anticompetitive practices
decisions on merger control
sector enquiries, opinions and recommendations

*last update: 2nd quarter 2024