The International Competition Network — ICN’s mission is to promote cooperation and convergence for a more efficient application of competition rules worldwide. The ICN brings together more than a hundred competition authorities and non-governmental specialists (lawyers, academics and representatives of international organizations, and trade and consumer associations).
The ICN developes consensus and cooperation platforms that might take the form of good practices recommendations, of a non-binding nature.
As an ICN member, the AdC is present in all the workgroups: advocacy, agency effectiveness, cartels, mergers, and unilateral conduct, also participating in Network workshops and conferences. In 2008, the AdC organized the ICN Cartel Workshop, and in 2007 the ICN Annual Conference.
In the last quarter of 2021, the AdC organized the ICN Cartel Workshop.
Get to know the following documents:
- Anti-Cartel Enforcement Manual - Compilation of Good Practices [in Portuguese];
- Advocacy Working Group Strategy Project Planning Advocacy Initiatives [in Portuguese];
- ICN Steering Group Statement on COVID-19 [in Portuguese].
See all the documentation catalogue on the ICN page.
ICN Competition, Growth and Recovery Workshop
What is the role of competition policy during economic recovery and inflation?
The AdC, as ICN Vice-Chair, organized on 25 October the workshop "Competition, Growth and Recovery", which was attended by 540 representatives of competition authorities and international organizations, academics, lawyers, and other interested stakeholders in competition policy.
ICN's Vice-Chair for Economic Growth and Recovery and AdC's President, Margarida Matos Rosa, opened the workshop with a speech in which she highlighted that "competition authorities can contribute to an informed decision by those who design and implement policies to recover the economy in times of inflation".
The keynote speaker was the Director General of Competition at the European Commission, Olivier Guersent, and the closing remarks were made by ICN Chair Andreas Mundt, President of the German Federal Cartel Office.
"Competition and economic policy-making - building a resilient and inclusive recovery" was the topic for the first panel, moderadet by John Vickers (Oxford University), which included interventions from Igan Deniz (Bank for International Settlements), Ethiopis Tafara (World Bank Group), Réka Horváth (European Commission) and Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (European Parliament).
The second panel, dedicated to "Competition in Times of Inflation", was moderated by Luís Cabral (NYU Stern School of Business) and had the participation of Cristina Caffarra (Keystone Europe), Jan Eeckhout (UPF Barcelona) and Klaus Masuch (European Central Bank).
See the agenda and video of the workshop.
ICN Cartel Workshop 2021
In 2021, the AdC hosted the ICN Cartel Workshop 2021 which took place in Lisbon from 17 to 19 November. The Workshop brought together 100 in-person and more than 500 online participants, including representatives of competition authorities from around the globe, as well as non-governmental advisers from international organizations, lawyers, economists, academics, and others.
ICN Annual Conference in Portugal 2017
In 2017, the AdC organized the ICN Annual Conference in Porto, between May 10 and 12, bringing together around 600 high-level representatives of competition authorities of more than a hundred jurisdictions and international organizations (OECD, European Commission, World Bank, UNCTAD, and others), including the presence of the European Commissioner for Competition, Margrethe Vestager.