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AdC adopted a non-opposition decision with conditions and obligations in the merger operation 41/2023 - Palavras Prestígio / VASP.


AdC adopted a non-opposition decision with conditions and obligations in the merger operation 41/2023 - Palavras Prestígio / VASP.

Palavras Prestígio / VASP

On July 24, 2024, the Board of Directors of the Competition Authority, using the powers conferred on it by paragraph d) of paragraph 1 of article 19 of the Statutes, approved by Decree-Law No. 125 /2014, of August 18, decides to adopt a non-opposition decision, accompanied by the imposition of conditions and obligations, in accordance with the commitment document and respective annexes attached and which form an integral part of this Decision, in light of no. 1, paragraph b), and paragraph 2 of article 50 of the Competition Law, since the notified operation, with the changes introduced by the proposed commitments, is not likely to create significant obstacles to effective competition in the national market or a substantial part thereof.