C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 14-15
march / september 2013
In this issue: Competition Law in Mercosur; limits on punishing of securities’ fraud and the level of protection in financial markets – the Spanish experience; Interplay between criminal and administrative Principles and Rules: nature and limits of administrative sanctions; (In)Admissibility of images taken privately as evidence in Court; Theme-Section: Digital and Competition in Digital Markets, in particular the Google case; Case-law commentary on case C-536/11 (infringement of art 101 TFEU, action for damages by third-party, National rules making access to the file subject to the consent of all parties to the proceedings, Principle of effectiveness).
Luís Silva Morais / Paulo Sousa Mendes
Editorial da Revista N.º 14-15 (PT–EN)
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Fernanda Paula Stolz
A defesa da concorrência no Mercosul e a responsabilidade civil por ilícitos concorrenciais
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Bernardo Feijoo Sánchez
Imputacion objetiva en el derecho penal economico: el alcance del riesgo permitido. Reflexiones sobre la conducta típica en el derecho penal del mercado de valores e instrumentos financieros y de la corrupción entre particulares
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Miguel Prata Roque
O Direito Sancionatório Público enquanto bissetriz (imperfeita) entre o Direito Penal e o Direito Administrativo – a pretexto de alguma jurisprudência constitucional
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Milene Viegas Martins
A admissibilidade de valoração de imagens captadas por particulares como prova no processo penal
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Konstantina Bania
Abuse of dominance in online search: Google’s special responsibility as the new bottleneck for content access
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Lucas Saretta Ferrari
Google e o direito europeu da concorrência: abuso de posição dominante?
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Manuel da Costa Cabral
A governação da Internet e o posicionamento de Portugal
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Marta Moreira Dias
Perspetiva sobre os 25 anos da Internet em.pt
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Victor Castro Rosa
Digital Piracy and Intellectual Property Infringement: role, liability and obligations of Internet Service Providers. The evolution of European Case-Law
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David Silva Ramalho
A investigação criminal na Dark Web
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