The OECD was created to stimulate economic progress and world trade.
The AdC participates in the work of the OECD Competition Committee and in its specialized working groups. It is also present at the Global Forum of Competition and the Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum and provides technical support within the sphere of the Regional Competition Centers. These forums operate under the scope of the OECD.
Find out more about each organism:
Competition Committee
Here, the annual reports on the competition policy of the Member States and cross-cutting matters of competition policy are analysed. The Competition Committee joins two specialised working groups: Working Party No.2 on competition and regulation and Working Party No.3 on cooperation and law enforcement.
Regarding this subject, we suggest reading the AdC' latest contributions:
Competition and Professional Sports
Competition in Energy Markets
Competition and Inflation
The Role of Competition Policy in Promoting Economic Recovery
Consumer data rights and competition
Criminalisation of cartels and bid rigging conspiracies
Start-ups, killer acquisitions and merger control
It is a competence of the Competition Authority to ensure the presentation of the Annual Report on Competition in Portugal, as well as the formulation of the Portuguese position on the subjects that are analysed.
Global Forum of Competition
The OECD organises an annual Global Forum of Competition. This event promotes the discussion on competition policy issues between OECD members and non-member countries.
Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum
The Latin American and Caribbean Competition Forum brings together officials from Latin American and Caribbean countries, as well as Europeans, from North America and from international organizations, to exchange experiences and identify best practices related to competition policy in these countries.
Regional Competition Centres
The AdC has been collaborating with the OECD Regional Competition Centres for Competition, promoting the development of institutional capacities and technical cooperation at a regional level. The technical support provided by the AdC focuses on sharing experiences and best practices on the activity of promotion and competition defense.
Annual reports on Competition in Portugal
Contributions from Portugal to the OCDE
- Common ownership by institutional investors and its impact on competition
- Safe Harbours and Legal Presumptions in Competition Law
- Judicial perspectives on competition law
- Session I: Cartels: Estimation of Harm in Public Enforcement Actions
- Session II: merger control in Latin America and the Caribbean – Recent Developments and Trends
- Session III: Addressing Competition Challenges in Financial Markets
- Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector
- Agency Decision-making in merger cases: from a prohibition decision to a conditional clearance
- Commitment Decisions in Antitrust cases
- Independence of competition authorities from designs to practices
- Sanctions in Antitrust Cases
- Session I: Disruptive innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean: Competition Enforcement challenges and advocacy opportunities
- Session II: Leniency Programmes in Latin America and the Caribbean Recent Experiences and Lessons Learned
- Session III: Promoting effective competition in public procurement
- Jurisdictional nexus in merger control regimes
- Public interest considerations in merger control
- Investigations of consummated and non-notifiable mergers
- Electricity Markets in Latin America: Regional Integration and Competition Issues
- Financial Consumer Protection
- Changes in Institutional Design of Competition Authorities
- Session II – electricity markets in latin America: regional integration and competition issues
- Session III – Advocacy: mainstreaming competition policy into the overall economic policy and government actions in Latin American and the Caribbean
- Public Procurement – the role of competition authorities in promoting competition
- Managing Complex Merger Cases: how agencies deal with complex data, surveys and market studies, and obtain the necessary experience for complex substantive issues
- Competitive Restrictions in Legal Professions
- Dynamic Efficiencies in Merger Analysis
- Energy Security and Competition Policy
- Vertical Mergers