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Portuguese Competition Authority launches online Complaint Portal


Portuguese Competition Authority launches online Complaint Portal

Press release 8/2017
 5 june 2017
Portuguese Competition Authority launches online Complaints Portal
The Portuguese Competition Authority (Autoridade da Concorrência – AdC) online Complaints Portal is now available to assist the public in reporting anti-competitive practices such as cartels or the abuse of a dominant position that harm consumer welfare.
The new Complaints Portal is available on the AdC’s website. It provides a simple, intuitive and quick way for all persons who know about anti-competitive practices to report them.
The portal allows and ensures anonymity for any complainant who so wishes.
When the complaint submitted does not fall under the AdC’s competences, it is referred to the competent authority.
The AdC’s authority extends over all the economic sectors to ensure compliance with competition law. The AdC investigates and imposes sanctions on any company, manager or director involved in practices forbidden by competition law.
Unlawful practices are fully explained in the portal, as well as the AdC’s Leniency Programme under which immunity from or a reduction of the fine may be granted to those who report a cartel they are involved in, while cooperating with the AdC.
The portal also provides information on fighting bid-rigging in public procurement, namely in the form of a best practices guide and a checklist that provides those responsible for procurement and purchasing for public entities with a list of signs to detect bid-rigging.
The AdC deems it essential for everyone to put their efforts towards detecting practices that hinder economic growth and harm the welfare of citizens. Only through competition may we get the best products and services for the best prices, and achieve innovation.
Everybody wins from competition.