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C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 7-8

C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 7-8

june / december 2011
In this issue: The European Commission Notice on Best Practices for the conduct of proceedings concerning arts 101 and 102 the TFEU (‘Antitrust Best Practices’) and the Decision on the function and terms of reference of the Hearing Officer in certain competition cases; Relation between large Retailers and their Suppliers in the UK and the sector’s Grocery Supply Code of Practice; Buyer Power in Vertical Restrains; Legitimacy of Independent Administrative Authorities; Switching costs in the telecom sector; Three Theme-Sections: (i) Competition Law – a Brazilian perspective, covering topics on unilateral conduct and the new Competition Act; (ii) Merger control in Brazil and Portugal; (iii) Criminal law, connection with issues of economic regulation, particularly those concerning banking secrecy and money laundering; Case-law commentary on C-403/08 and C429/08 (Satellite broadcasting, Broadcasting of football matches, Satellite decoder cards lawfully placed in one Member State and used in another Member State, Prohibition on marketing and use in a Member State, Copyright, Television broadcasting right, Exclusive licences to broadcast in a single Member State, art 101 TFEU, Exception to the reproduction right, Communication of works to the public in public houses).


Alexander Italianer
The European Commission's new procedural package: Increasing Interaction With Parties and Enhancing the Role of the Hearing Officer
118 kb
Peter Freeman
The UK experience: The Grocery Supply Code of Practice
97 kb
Paula Vaz Freire
O poder de compra e as restrições verticais determinadas pela procura
144 kb
Victor Calvete
Entidades administrativas independentes: Smoke & Mirrors
290 kb
Ana Amante e João Vareda
Switching costs in the Portuguese telecommunications sector: results from a customer survey
163 kb
Fernando Herren Aguillar e Diogo R. Coutinho
A evolução da legislação antitruste no Brasil
144 kb
Vicente Bagnoli
Um balanço crítico do desenvolvimento da política de concorrência no Brasil nos últimos 15 anos e o início da repressão das condutas unilaterais – Abuso de Posição Dominante
180 kb
Carlos Emmanuel Joppert Ragazzo
A eficácia jurídica da norma de preço abusivo
162 kb
Vinicius Marques de Carvalho e Ricardo Medeiros de Castro
Política industrial, campeões nacionais e antitruste sob a perspectiva brasileira: Uma avaliação crítica
208 kb
Pedro Costa Gonçalves
Controlo de concentração de empresas no direito português (uma visão jus-administrativista)
341 kb
Ana Paula Martinez
Histórico e desafios do controle de concentrações econômicas no Brasil
219 kb
Luís Greco
Existem critérios para a postulação de bens jurídicos coletivos?
158 kb
Paulo de Sousa Mendes
A derrogação do segredo bancário no processo penal
169 kb
Felipe Hochscheit Kreutz
O segredo bancário no processo penal
192 kb
Madalena Perestrelo de Oliveira
As alterações ao Regime Geral das Instituições de Crédito: o fim da era do sigilo bancário?
170 kb