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IV Lisbon Conference

oct 2015

IV Lisbon Conference

Venue - Lisbon
It is my pleasure to invite you to come to Lisbon this Autumn to discuss and exchange views and experiences with some of the most renowned international experts in Competition Law and Economics.

On 22-23 October 2015, the Portuguese Competition Authority will host the IV Lisbon Conference, a unique opportunity to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and debates.

António Ferreira Gomes
President of the PCA
Logotipo do The Lisbon Conference. O mesmo é composto pelo nome e por "Portuguese Competition Authority". Tem ainda sete bolas, cada uma de uma cor: vermelho, roxo, azul-claro, cor-de-rosa, cor-de-laranja, azul-escuro e verde-claro.

Programme and Speakers

22 October (Thursday)

Registration (08h30/09h15)

Opening Session (09h30/10h00)
António Ferreira Gomes, President, Portuguese Competition Authority
Luís Miguel Pais Antunes, President, Association of Portuguese Competition Lawyers

Keynote Speaker (10h00/10h30)
William Kovacic, Global Competition Professor of Law and Policy at George Washington University Law School, Washington, D.C., and Non-Executive Director of the Board, Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), UK

Coffee Break (10h30/11h00)

Could we do without leniency? (11h00/12h30)

Frédéric Jenny, Chairman of the OECD’s Competition Law and Policy Committee and Professor of Economics at the ESSEC Business School, Paris

Jorge Padilla, Senior Managing Director e Head da Compass Lexecon Europe, Madrid
Rosa Abrantes-Metz, Managing Director, Global Economics Group and Adjunct Professor, NYU Stern School of Business, New York
John Kirkpatrick, Senior Director, Research, Intelligence and Advocacy, Competition and Markets Authority, UK
Giancarlo Spagnolo, Professor of Economics, SITE – Stockholm School of Economics & University of ‘Tor Vergata’ – DEF and Research Fellow, C.E.P.R., London & E.N.C.O.R.E, Amsterdam

Lunch (13h00/14h30)

Restrictions by object and by effect: where next? (14h30/16h00)

Maria João Melícias, Member of the Board, Portuguese Competition Authority

Lucas Peeperkorn, Principal Expert in Antitrust Policy, DG COMP, European Commission
Theodor Thanner, Director General, Austrian Competition Authority, Austria
David Anderson, Partner, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, Brussels
Andrea Gomes da Silva, Senior Legal Director, Markets, Mergers and Sector Regulation, Competition and Markets Authority, UK

Coffee Break (16h00/16h30)

Disruptive Times: dealing with innovative technologies and business models? (16h30/18h00)

Stanley Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Competition Commission, Hong Kong

Bruno Lasserre, Presidente, Autorité de la concurrence, França
Guillaume Loriot, Director, DG COMP, European Commission
Mark MacGann, Head of Public Policy EMEA, Uber
Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google, and Emeritus Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, California

18h00/19h00 – Cocktail

20h00 – Dinner

23 October (Friday)

Public Procurement: optimizing public resources (09h00/10h30)

Giancarlo Spagnolo, Professor of Economics, SITE – Stockholm School of Economics & University of ‘Tor Vergata’ – DEF and Research Fellow, C.E.P.R.,London & E.N.C.O.R.E, Amsterdam

Joaquim Nunes de Almeida, Director, DG GROW, European Commission
John Davies, Head, Competition Division, OECD
Eduardo Prieto Kessler, Competition Director, National Commission for Markets and Competition, Spain
Helena Abreu Lopes, Judge, Court of Auditors, Portugal

Coffee Break (10h30/11h00)

Portuguese: building a common competition language (11h00/12h30)

Teresa Moreira, Director-General for Consumer, Portugal

Gilvandro V. Coelho de Araújo, Commissioner, Administrative Council for Economic Defence, Brazil
Nuno Rocha de Carvalho, Member of the Board, Portuguese Competition Authority
Nelson Osman Jeque, Adviser, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mozambique
Kinavuidi Kiako, Director, Institute of Prices and Competition, Ministry of Finance, Angola
Amilcar Aristides Monteiro, Director General for Industry and Trade, Ministry of Tourism, Investments and Business Development, Cabo Verde

Closing Session (12h30/13h00)
António Ferreira Gomes, President, Portuguese Competition Authority
Guilherme d’Oliveira Martins, President, Court of Auditors, Portugal

The venue

The venue for the IV Lisbon Conference on Competition Law and Economics is the Pestana Palace Lisboa, Hotel & National Monument, set in the carefully restored 19th century Palace Valle-Flôr.  The conference will be held in Belém Conference Room.


How to get to the Conference Hotel:
Arrival by plane (Lisbon airport)
You will find a taxi rank in the front of the terminal buiding.  The journey from the airport to the Pestana Palace Lisboa should take approx. 20 minutes.

The address is: Rua Jau, 54, 1300-314 Lisboa

Further information about the hotel:

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