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Economic recovery and the contribution of competition policy discussed at the Meeting of the Lusophone Competition Network


Economic recovery and the contribution of competition policy discussed at the Meeting of the Lusophone Competition Network


The AdC held, on 14 September, the 7th Meeting of the Lusophone Competition Network, attended by representatives of the Autoridade Reguladora da Concorrência (ARC) of Angola, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Económica (CADE) of Brazil, Ministry of Finance of Cape Verde, Ministry of Commerce and Industry of Guinea-Bissau, Autoridade Reguladora da Concorrência (ARC) of Mozambique, Portuguese Competition Authority (AdC), Autoridade Geral de Regulação of São Tomé and Príncipe and Ministry of Tourism, Commerce and Industry of East Timor.

The Meeting, held virtually, consisted of a session focused on the challenges faced in the context of economic recovery, attended by representatives of the members of the Lusophone Competition Network, and of a webinar on “The importance of competition policy for economic recovery”, open to the public in general.

The Lusophone Competition Network aims to promote cooperation and the sharing of experience in the field of competition policy among Portuguese-speaking countries. Over the years, this cooperation has resulted in a set of multilateral and also bilateral initiatives.

In the current context of Covid-19 pandemic, the Lusophone Competition Network discussed the contribution of competition policy, which drives innovation and opportunities, as a catalyst of an agile, resilient and inclusive economic recovery.

Over the past 17 years, cooperation with Portuguese-speaking entities in charge of competition policy has been a priority for the AdC. In the current context, the AdC will continue to promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation and the sharing of experience between Portuguese-speaking countries, thus contributing to the development of competition policy in these jurisdictions.