Born in Coimbra, he graduated in Law from the University of Lisbon Law School.
It was also at this school that he obtained a Master’s degree (EC Law), and a Ph.D. in Law — Legal and Economic Sciences.
He also studied at Collège d’Europe and, as a Fulbright scholar and scholarship holder of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the University of Michigan Law School.
Other positions include: Associate of the European Institute and the Institute for Economic, Financial and Tax Law of the University of Lisbon Law School; Senior Researcher at CIDEEFF – Research Centre on European, Economic, Financial and Tax Law, University of Lisbon Law School; Member of the Competition Law Scholars Forum; Elected member of the Law School Scientific Board; Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Competition and Regulation periodical; and Deputy Director of the Public Finance and Tax Law Review.
Before joining the AdC Board, Miguel Moura e Silva practiced as a lawyer and was a member of The Association of Portuguese Competition Lawyers.
He had been a staff member at the Portuguese Competition Authority as Director of the Restrictive Practices Department, Director of the Special Unit for Competition Assessment of Public Policies, and as Senior Legal Advisor. He was a former member of the Portuguese Competition Council and Director for International Relations of the Portuguese Rail Regulator.
Since 1993, Miguel Moura e Silva is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Lisbon Law School.
He is also the author of several books and academic articles on Competition Law.