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C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 6

C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 6

march / june 2011
In this issue: Theories of Harm for exclusivity-inducing pricing abuses; Positive Cooperation between stakeholders of different markets and agreements potentially harmful to competition - delicate balance; Merger Control and Corporate Groups; Compatibility between the legal framework on dawn-raids in competition law proceedings and art 6(1) ECHR; Civil Liability of National Regulatory Agencies; Case-law and economic thinking on Predatory Prices; Sales below Cost and Price Alignment; Theme-Section: Infringements to art 4 of Law 18/2003 and art 101 TFEU; Case-law commentary on C-375/09 (Reg 1/2003, abuse of dominant position, powers of national competition authorities to find that there has been no breach of art 102 TFEU).