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C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 13

C&R — Competition and Regulation Journal — 13

january / march 2013
In this issue: Standardisation in the 2010 European Commission Guidelines applicable to horizontal cooperation between undertakings; Private enforcement of Competition Law in Portugal (chapter II); The ECJ’s case-law on activities that may be characterized as Social Services of General Economic Interest; Challenges by national criminal systems to effectively constrain and punish transnational securities fraud – The Spanish experience; Civil liability of so-called ‘Classification Companies’ (which perform the assessment for the classification or certification of ships) in cases of oil pollution; Re‑opening of criminal proceedings: value and effectiveness of the decision to close a case, the extent and consequences of the ne bis in idem principle, the concept of ‘new evidence’ required to re‑open the proceedings; Extra‑Contractual Liability of the State for damages resulting from the exercise judicial power in the criminal area; Case-law commentary on case C-1/12 (competition law applicable to professional bodies).