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Ana Patrícia Carvalho, Cláudia Trabuco e Dorothée Serzedelo - "Competition challenges seen from within: the companies’ perspective"

dec 2018

Ana Patrícia Carvalho, Cláudia Trabuco e Dorothée Serzedelo - "Competition challenges seen from within: the companies’ perspective"

This year’s last AdC Open Seminar will have a different format: it will be a conversation with three guest speakers on the challenges of compliance in various industries, on 6 December at 5 p.m.

"Competition challenges seen from within: the companies’ perspective" will be the topic in discussion by:
- Ana Patrícia Carvalho (Head of Legal Services and Compliance, Nestlé Portugal);
- Cláudia Trabuco (EMEA Competition Law Counsel, Gilead Sciences Portugal); and
- Dorothée Serzedelo (Legal Director, L'Oréal Portugal).
The event will take place at the Abel Mateus Competition Library (AdC premises, Av. Berna, 19, 1st floor - Lisbon). Attendance is free but subject to prior registration