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The Portuguese are the EU citizens who are most aware of the importance of competition


The Portuguese are the EU citizens who are most aware of the importance of competition

gráfico eurobarómetro

Press Release 24/2022
October 27, 2022

The Portuguese are the citizens of the European Union who pay the most attention and acknowledge the importance of applying an effective competition policy for the well-being of families, for economic growth and for job creation.
According to data from Eurobarometer 2022, published by the European Commission, Portugal showed results above the EU average in almost all categories, with the highest percentages of respondents who consider that competition allows a greater variety of choice of products and services (96% for citizens and 95% for SMEs) and that competition enforcement policies contribute to better and cheaper products and services for all (79% for citizens, 85% (better prices) and 91% (better quality) for SMEs.

More than 90% of the Portuguese surveyed consider that competition between companies delivers better prices in particular, a percentage 7 points higher than compared to results in 2019. Moreover, 96% of Portuguese citizens surveyed believe that competition policies are a factor that helps stimulate economic growth and employment.

The European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition's Eurobarometer also reveals that Portuguese respondents believe that higher prices stem from a lack of competition.

The economic sector where there is a greater perception among the Portuguese of a lack of competition is energy, followed by telecommunications, transportation, food retail and financial services.

Portugal is the country with the second highest proportion of citizens who have read or heard about competition cases in the last 12 months (88%).

The AdC continues to work daily to defend the Portuguese economy from anti-competitive practices, to promote competition in all economic sectors and to raise awareness in all society about competition rules and its benefits. See more at